As a Volunteer

Creative Mornings/Isfahan

A Journey


Creative Connection


Personal Growth



Stepping into the realm of CreativeMornings, an international movement celebrating creativity and community, was a life-changing experience for me. As a coorganizer of Isfahan CreativeMornings from October 2018 to August 2019, I embraced the opportunity to take charge of planning events, coordinating between various departments, and managing the execution of each gathering with finesse. This role allowed me to delve into the depths of leadership and management, igniting a fire within me to pursue my passion for organizing events that bring people together. The CreativeMornings Manifesto resonated deeply with my belief that everyone holds the potential for creativity, and through bravery, action, and hard work, we can create remarkable things.

In the realm of human resources, I embarked on the role of the Isfahan CreativeMornings team’s HR manager from February 2020 to August 2020. Drawing from my studies in human resources, I took on the responsibility of expanding our membership base, nurturing the soft skills of our team members, and providing them with the motivation and constructive evaluations they needed to flourish. As the overseer of our team’s interpersonal dynamics, I witnessed firsthand how the power of Community manifested in the face-to-face connections nurtured within CreativeMornings. It was through these connections that we learned from one another, celebrated our achievements, and laid the foundation for lasting change in our neighborhoods and cities.

Enthusiasm coursed through my veins as I immersed myself in the CreativeMornings experience. The invaluable friendships formed and the connections with like-minded personalities that I forged as a coorganizer and HR manager contributed to my personal growth and left an indelible mark on my soul. Witnessing the transformative power of CreativeMornings as it emboldened individuals to follow their passions cultivated a sense of awe within me. The global movement’s vision of inclusivity became my guiding light, warmly welcoming all with open arms. Through CreativeMornings, I discovered the immense pleasure of giving back to my community while simultaneously nurturing my own creative spirit.

Scientific Student Associations at Kashan University

As President of Scientific Student Associations and a member of the Committee for Support and Supervision of Scientific Student Associations at Kashan University, I had the opportunity to contribute to the academic and intellectual development of fellow students while gaining valuable skills and experience.

After being elected as President of the Central Committee of the Computer Science Students’ Scientific Association, I was also elected as the president of Kashan University Scientific Student Associations. This position required me to coordinate between more than forty associations, monitor their performance, and ensure the implementation of approved plans and decisions. Additionally, I was the executive secretary for the 3rd and 4th Harekat Festival at Kashan university, a prestigious event aimed at selecting the best scientific associations in Iranian universities and showcasing their top works. My responsibilities included creating coordination between all the participating sections and overseeing the exhibition section of the festival.

Through my involvement in the Committee for Support and Supervision of Scientific Student Associations, I had the opportunity to contribute to the development of these associations by establishing new policies and implementing them effectively. As a member of the committee, my responsibilities included setting executive policies for the student associations in line with the university’s scientific policies, evaluating their activities, monitoring their performance, and addressing any complaints, violations, or disputes. I also reviewed and approved proposed programs by the student associations for regional or national events.

Another aspect of my role was to plan and coordinate fundamental and continuous issues related to student associations, such as facilitating communication with other societal bodies, securing financial support, and recognizing the active scientific associations and their selected projects.

In addition to the skills and experience gained in organizational and managerial roles, my voluntary work in these positions allowed me to improve communication and coordination skills as I had to work with various student associations and university authorities. I also developed problem-solving and conflict resolution skills while addressing complaints and disputes. Furthermore, my involvement in planning and implementing programs for the student associations enhanced my ability to think strategically and manage resources effectively.

Overall, my experience as the President of Scientific Student Associations and a member of the Committee for Support and Supervision of Scientific Student Associations at Kashan University provided me with invaluable skills in leadership, communication, coordination, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. I believe these experiences have laid a strong foundation for my personal and professional development, and I am grateful for the opportunities I had to contribute to the academic and scientific community at my university.

Member of the Computer Science Students’ Scientific Association

During my three semesters as a member of the Computer Science Students’ Scientific Association at Kashan University, I had the opportunity to contribute to the organization’s mission of promoting research and learning in the field of computer science. In the second two semesters, I was elected as the president of the association by the Central Committee, which allowed me to organize several successful events in collaboration with my team members.

As the president, one of my main responsibilities was to plan, organize, and lead the activities of the association in line with the approved policies. This involved obtaining the necessary permits for the implementation of our programs and ensuring their execution. I also established continuous communication with other student scientific associations, including the Student Scientific Associations and relevant national scientific and specialized assemblies.

Additionally, I fostered relationships with external institutions and organizations to engage in collaborative activities. This enabled us to connect with professionals, experts, and university graduates in related fields, seeking their advice, collaboration, and continuous communication. Collaboration and engagement with individuals who share a passion for computer science have always been central to my voluntary work.

Furthermore, I actively participated in the planning and execution of research projects and studies. This allowed me to contribute to the development and advancement of computer science as a discipline. To ensure the smooth functioning of the association, I formed various working committees with the participation of association members and monitored their performance.

Throughout my tenure, I documented the activities of the association and prepared performance reports to showcase our achievements. This allowed us to evaluate our progress, identify areas for improvement, and contribute to a culture of accountability and transparency.

My experience as a member and president of the Computer Science Students’ Scientific Association at Kashan University has been immensely rewarding. It has allowed me to enhance my leadership skills, foster collaboration, and contribute to the advancement of computer science within the university community.

Managing Director and Editor_in_chief of Pardazesh Student Magazine

The Pardazsh Student Magazine holds great significance in my journey as it allowed me to delve deeper into the realm of computer science, a field that holds immense importance to me. Recognizing the potential to bridge the gap between knowledge and the student community, we established this magazine under the Student Scientific Association.

As the Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief of Pardazsh, my primary aim was to ensure that the magazine remained relevant and up-to-date. By promoting the latest advancements, emerging technologies, and innovative research, I sought to inspire undergraduate students to pursue a career in computer science.

Over the course of its existence, Pardazsh magazine successfully published nine issues, each showcasing the collaborative efforts of 35 dedicated computer science students. Through meticulously curated content, we aimed to not only disseminate technical information but also foster a deep understanding of computer science principles among our readers.

The magazine became a platform for student writers to contribute their research, insights, and opinions, enabling them to refine their writing skills and gain exposure within the field. By involving students in the publication process, we empowered them to explore their passion for computer science and actively contribute to the growth of the discipline.

My role as the Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief encompassed not only overseeing the publication process but also ensuring the consistent quality and relevance of the content. This experience ignited my own curiosity and drive to seek further knowledge in the field of computer science, enabling me to share this enthusiasm and empower others to do the same.

Through this experience, I deepened my own understanding of the discipline while inspiring others along the way.