Robotic Competitions

Firefighter Robots League

Firefighter robots have become essential in modern firefighting operations, as they enhance safety and the effectiveness of rescue missions. These robots are designed to enter hazardous environments where human intervention might be too risky. They can navigate through smoke-filled rooms, detect heat signatures, and locate victims, providing valuable assistance to firemen in dangerous conditions.

Robotic firefighter leagues serve as platforms for innovation, encouraging the development of advanced technologies and strategies to combat fires. These leagues by simulating Simplified scenarios, allows teams to showcase their cutting-edge robotic solutions, fostering healthy competition and knowledge sharing among experts in the field.

In 2015, I had the opportunity to be part of a team participating in the firefighting robot leagues in the Sharif Cup Robotics Competition. The Sharif Cup Robotics Competition was one of the robotics competitions held by Sharif University in Iran. I was responsible for the electronic robot department and my specialized activity was troubleshooting circuits. During that time, our team encountered various challenges, such as financial problems and a lack of team members. However, we worked together with our teammates to find solutions and not let these obstacles hinder our chances in the competition.

Junior Soccer Open League

The RoboCup Junior Soccer League is a remarkable initiative aimed at fostering education and technological involvement among young students. Unlike other robotics programs, RCJ places a strong emphasis on education rather than competition, allowing students to develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. The league’s challenges remain constant year after year, creating a scaffolded learning environment that helps students progressively develop more advanced solutions as they expand their knowledge. What sets RCJ apart is its ability to make complex concepts accessible to spectators, who can easily understand the leagues of Soccer, Rescue, and OnStage without the need for complicated rule explanations.

The ultimate goal of RoboCup is to have fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players competing against human world champions by the middle of the 21st century. By participating in the RoboCup Junior Soccer League, students not only gain valuable technical skills but also contribute to the advancement of technology and AI.

In 2014, my friends and I competed in the Junior Soccer Open League during the IranOpen competition, which gave me a good experience in teamwork and strategy. In that year, I was in charge of the electronic robot department, and my specialized activities included designing related circuits and troubleshooting them. I used Altium designer software to design the connected electrical circuits. In addition, I supervised the team’s finances to provide the necessary funding and its allocation.

Junior CoSpace Rescue League

In 2013, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the RoboCup Junior CoSpase Rescue League during the IranOpen competition in a three-member team as the team’s electronics manager. My responsibility was to troubleshoot electronic circuits. That was my first experience participating in an out of school team, so it helped me a lot with my skills in problem-solving, teamwork, strategy, and so on.