About me


I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Kashan University (2020) and a Master’s degree in Data Science from Kharazmi University (2023).


As a machine learning researcher and AI programmer, I have gained experience in exploring reinforcement learning for real-world Problems. Additionally, I have familiarity with NLP, graph neural networks, image processing and OCR in the field of AI. Furthermore, I possess knowledge in the Java programming language. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I gained valuable professional experience through my active participation in the computer science scientific association. Additionally, my involvement in robotics during high school has equipped me with strong teamwork abilities and a profound understanding of technology.

Research Interest

I have a wide range of research interests in machine learning, especially in the applications of artificial intelligence. I am particularly excited about utilizing Reinforcement Learning (RL) Algorithms to tackle real-life issues. Additionally, I have a keen interest in investigating the potential of intelligent robots, Graph Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Medical Image Processing and other related areas.

Programming Skills

I have acquired extensive experience in Python and Java through my research, course assignments, and personal projects. By working on a variety of projects, I have gained proficiency in handling different AI model architectures and libraries like PyTorch and TensorFlow. Furthermore, I have actively aimed to enhance my knowledge in software engineering and agile software development methodologies during the project development process. Additionally, I am familiar with working with Git/GitHub and Docker for version control and containerization.

Soft Skills

Throughout my education, I gained invaluable experience as a teacher’s assistant for advanced Java programming. I also conducted multiple workshops in various domains, showcasing my expertise in communication, public speaking, and creative thinking. Additionally, my active participation in volunteer work for the past five years has enhanced my leadership abilities, event planning prowess, problem-solving aptitude, teamwork and critical thinking skills. These soft skills enable me to participate in research assistant and teaching assistant activities